The 3 Most Popular Podcast Episodes of 2023…

Welcome back to another episode of the Niche Pursuits News podcast!
This week Spencer and Jared decided to do things a little bit differently. As the year is coming to a close, they decided to talk about the 3 top Niche Pursuits podcast episodes for 2023, as well as their personal favorites.
Spencer explains how he collected the data to determine which episodes were the most listened to this past year, and then they kick off the episode by talking about the third most listened-to podcast, which was the interview with Grady Hudd.
Grady grew his niche site to $9k per month in 2 years with no SEO experience. Spencer and Jared talk about why they think this was such a popular podcast. Grady’s relatability was probably key, and it’s likely that many beginners connected with his situation.
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The second most listened-to episode was Forrest Webber, who talked about how he grew his portfolio to $40k a month after replacing rental properties with websites. They talk about his story, the important mindset shift that brought him so much success, and how he scaled his business.
The most popular podcast for the year was with Shelly Marmour, a travel blogger who grew her monthly income from $700 to $52k per month in 1 year with affiliate SEO. Shelly’s story was also relatable and inspirational, as many people could probably identify with where she was in the beginning and were interested to see how she grew her business so incredibly.
Then Spencer and Jared share their favorite episodes of 2023.
Jared’s favorite was Cyrus Shepard’s episode on internal link building and he described the interview and the information shared as incredibly succinct and easy to understand. The episode was packed with actionable tips and insightful details about internal linking based on a data-heavy study that Cyrus did, and he talks about everything from Link Whisper to link sculpting.
Spencer’s favorite was how Kevin Espiritu grew his gardening site from $400 per month to 8 figures per year, which is also a story that most people can relate to. He started out like most of us, building his site back in 2016, and today he’s making over $10 million per year.
He did it by growing his website first, then his YouTube channel and his social media channels, and then he launched his own products. What Spencer and Jared especially like about this episode is his approach to plateaus in his business and how he acquired another website and merged the two into a massively successful brand.
And that brings us to the end of this episode of Niche Pursuits News and the end of another year of Niche Pursuits podcasts that seek to motivate, educate, and inspire.
Here’s to another year of learning from one another and to a very successful 2024!
Spencer: Hey, everyone, welcome to another episode, a special episode, a holiday week, episode of the niche pursuits podcast. It is officially an episode of this week in niche pursuits news, but, you know, it’s a little bit different. We’re not going to really be covering news per se. Uh, both Jared and I were kind of just relaxing with our families.
This is the week between Christmas and New Year’s. Uh, and so we thought it would be interesting to do something a little bit different instead of diving into the news and have these hard hitting topics, right? Um, partially so we don’t have to research quite so much. Uh, right. So we can just have an easy episode, but also it’s just kind of fun.
I think for listeners to look back. On the entire year, we thought it would be interesting to cover the most listened to podcast episodes of the entire year of 2023. And then we’re going to throw in a couple of our own favorite podcast episodes as well. And so I think it’s a cool idea, Jared, hopefully listeners enjoy it.
What do you think? Yeah, you
Jared: know, I mean, looking back on this year, 2023, I mean, we’re on pace to do around a hundred episodes a year, right? So two episodes a week, obviously every week of the year, or even here on the week between Christmas and New Year’s. So, you know, it would, uh, it would, it’s probably, I doubt there’s many out there have listened to every one from this year.
So it is a fun idea to kind of go back and say, here are the most popular ones and look at it.
Spencer: Yeah, I agree. And maybe if there is anybody that’s listened to all of them, you know, let us know, um, you know, at the end of this episode, we’re going to share our, uh, two favorite podcasts that weren’t necessarily the most popular, but our two favorite, if anybody else has a favorite, uh, interview, podcast interview, let us know.
Uh, we’d love to, to hear about that. So I figure let’s just jump into it. We’re going to kind of run through these, um. And share our thoughts on the episodes. Um, and before, before we hit record here, um, I think we both agree that some of these episodes kind of surprised us. Yeah. I didn’t realize these were going to be the most popular, uh, episodes of the year.
Jared: I feel like, certainly as a host, I, I, I don’t really pay a lot of attention to The numbers on the listens and stuff, but the feedback, you know, we’re more involved with when we get shared on social media or different comments we get brought in on. And so, um, perhaps that’s part of what has framed, you know, my mindset is the ones that we got tagged on more, got asked more questions on or that sort of thing.
And so, yeah, there were some surprising ones, but, you know, I mean, this is what the numbers are. Uh, the data
Spencer: doesn’t lie. The data doesn’t lie. Yep. And, uh, so the way that I got, uh, these numbers is because the podcast is on a several different platforms, uh, but one is audio listens. And so I do have an aggregate number for all the audio listens, whether that’s apple podcast, spotify, anywhere else that people listen to their audio podcast.
I’m able to get that one number, um, in my podcast hosting dashboard. Uh, and then there’s youtube. Right. That can be a large number of listens or views as well. It just depends on the episode. And so I kind of, uh, added these numbers together. Uh, and of course the episodes with the aggregate number of the most listens or views.
Is are the three that we’re going to be sharing. So, uh, having said that let’s, you know, maybe let’s go in reverse order here. Oh, throw a curve ball. Um, you know, five seconds ago, I told you we’re going to do one order, but let’s, let’s do with the
Jared: third. I’ll start at the end of my notes then.
Spencer: Yeah. Yeah. Um, switch that up.
The third most listened to episode, uh, of the year. Um, and that episode was the interview with Grady HUD. Uh, and so let me, um, share my screen just to kind of, uh, review, uh, remind listeners and viewers what this interview was. I mean, this is done back in March of this year, but the title was how Grady HUD grew his niche site to 9, 000 per month in just two years without any SEO experience.
And so, uh, Grady is on Twitter. He’s pretty active there. Um, it was, he may have changed his username. It was niche grades. Now it may be as just Grady HUD. Um, anyways, you can find them there, um, on, on Twitter, but, uh, I think I’m going to just give my two cents, Jared, and then I’ll let you jump in since you hosted the, the episode, but.
It feels like, or, or one interesting thing about this episode of why maybe it did so well is I think people enjoy hearing stories of individuals that, um, are kind of beginners or starting from the beginning. Those that aren’t making millions a year. Those that are making like. A feasible, it feels like achievable, but still very successful amount of money that did it either like without experience or have some unique background.
Right? So I feel like maybe this is why the Grady episode resonated really well with people because he shared a story of, Hey, I didn’t have any experience two years ago when 9, 000 a month. Um, I feel like, uh, that’s. You know, that, that’s a big reason for why this episode probably did, did well. Yeah,
Jared: I, I agree 100 percent with what you’re saying.
We’ve had a couple of those stories throughout the year of the very much, like just very much the raw story of someone getting into this without, Any previous, whether you call it SEO experience or affiliate marketing experience, and just going from a very, you know, rags to riches type story, if you will, you know, and this is just a great story.
Um, if I remember correctly, Grady still works full time, still has a job. He’s doing this on the side. He told stories about writing articles as he. Rode the bus and stuff. And, you know, there’s just very much a, a very relatable story for a lot of the listeners here. Yeah.
Spencer: And, uh, that was the other thing is that I do believe he did have a full time job that he was working and I agree.
Relatability like is so key. Right. And it was for me when I was. Starting out when I was looking to quit my job, right. I always wanted to see somebody posting their success online that I could truly like relate to, like, okay, but does this person like have kids? Like, does this person work a full time job?
Like, or does this person have a ton of money or whatever it is? Like I wanted somebody as close to me as possible. That was just one step ahead of me.
Jared: Yeah, it’s true. Like we have different types of guests on this podcast and there’s the guests, like one of the ones. I will be talking about who has a ton of experience in this industry.
And we look to those types of people for different things, right? Like certainly in that podcast, I’m looking for their expert insights. Like that’s what I want to learn from them because they are more knowledgeable, more of an expert in certain areas than perhaps we or different listeners are. These stories are exactly what you talk about.
Like. Giving us that shot of inspiration that can help move a lot of people over the line that says, Oh my goodness, I can do this. Oh, this person is doing this. I can relate to what they just said. That was just, that was me that what they said, that was them two years ago. That’s me right now. And so those types of things are real shots in the arm.
Spencer: Yeah, absolutely. Um, I agree. So, uh, maybe with that, let’s go on to the second. Most listened to episode of the year. And, uh, the second most listened to interview was Forrest Weber. Uh, and the title of his podcast interview was how Forrest Weber grew to 40, 000 per month after replacing rental properties.
And so, um, forced has a cool story, right? He was, um, he had rental properties, was interested in investing in real estate. Uh, and then he sort of shifted his mindset mindset, but brought a lot of the same principles, the same processes and procedures. Um, to two websites and he kind of devoted his time to building out a portfolio of websites, kind of like he had a portfolio of properties, uh, before he looked at it as this investment approach.
Okay. I’m going to, you know, build or buy, uh, this whole portfolio and, uh, see what I can do. And so at the time of the interview, I’m trying to look here, um, 20 websites that generate up to 40, 000 per month. So super cool, uh, interview and story, I think.
Jared: People always love the scale story too. I mean, you know, the first thing that happens, uh, in the mindset, not saying everyone does this, but in your mind, once you get a successful first site is you think, Oh my goodness, can I do a second site?
Should I do a second site? Shiny objects syndrome kicks in, which we talk about a lot here. So this is, um, you know, it’s funny, Spencer, I don’t know about you. Like when I. The story I’ve landed on when people kind of ask me about building websites, you know, maybe I’m at a party in my neighborhood or I’m talking to someone and somehow it comes up about building websites.
The best analogy I give people is it’s kind of like real estate, you know, it’s a little bit like building real estate and you’re kind of building online assets as opposed to real assets, real estate, right? And, um, I think this story with Forrest is partly why he’s so successful is he’s treating his websites.
So much so like that real estate model that he was so successful at before this.
Spencer: Yeah, exactly. And you know, part of that approach is looking at, um, both your winners and your losers taking that entire portfolio approach. And perhaps that’s cutting some of the losers, investing more into the winners, right?
Uh, and learning how to scale the whole process. And so I love the kind of business mind that he took behind this. And then of course, uh, because he built such a huge portfolio and team, uh, he started a digital marketing agency. Right. Uh, and so that’s also part of his business that I don’t know that that 40, 000 a month included.
His, um, digital, I guess is what it’s called his agency. I don’t think so. Um, I don’t know that he shared his agency numbers, uh, as well on top of that, but he’s built a successful agency on, on top of that as well. So
Jared: it was a good listen as well for people like a lot of people, um, in our industry are, um, they’re kind of, you know, do it allers.
Right. And he has, he started with the mindset from the very beginning that there are things he’s good at in this space and things he’s not good at. And I know he spent a lot of time in the interview talking about how he found people to partner with, how he brought on other team members to kind of make up for his, his lack of expertise in certain areas.
And that’s a good skill that we can all kind of lean into, especially if, if scale is on the horizon for us.
Spencer: exactly. I think that’s so important. Um, a lot of times I get stuck doing all the little details in my business and I find that, um, I can get a little bit more, more freedom or scale a little bit better when I just even hire out the simplest of tasks.
Maybe it’s just a, uh, a lower level VA that can handle a lot of. Simple things. Um, and so I love, I love, uh, what Forrest shared there. People can listen to that, get a reminder, a refresher, uh, some good, uh, business tips. And if anybody noticed on the screen, uh, it says, you know, December 27th, we made an update to this article.
The actual interview was about 10 months ago. I think it was, uh, like late February, early March, uh, is when this interview was actually published with, uh, Forrest Weber. So, okay. And so that brings us to the number one most popular podcast of the entire year, uh, for the niche pursuits podcast was the interview with Shelly Marmore.
Uh, and the title here is how Shelly Marmore grew her monthly income from 700 to 52, 000 in one year with affiliate SEO. I mean, what, what’s not to love about that story, right? That title. Uh, I think it hits on. What we were talking about earlier, starting at a level that’s understandable. Right? You have a website that’s making 700 a month.
Everybody’s like, okay, I can do that. And I’m already at that level, but how do I get to 52, 000 a month in a year? That’s like a must listen story. Uh, and so Shelly tells that story, she is a travel blogger. In fact, she has not one, not two, but three or four. I
Jared: think it’s even more. Is it four? She said, yeah, I was looking at
Spencer: that.
Yeah, I was trying to remember. I know it was a portfolio, but like for travel blogs, which is interesting all in the, you know, similar niche, they cover different countries or locations.
Jared: The bulk earnings were on that one big website though,
Spencer: you know, yeah, uh, was it
Jared: Mexico? Yeah, travel Mexico solo.
com. I think it is. Yeah,
Spencer: travel Mexico solo. com Yep is our main site which is also very cool when somebody comes on and say hey I’m doing this and that’s successful and here’s my website so you can go check it out and look at it and learn Like that’s just the best of both worlds. So, uh, Shelly, uh, story is super inspirational and, uh, she’s scaled quickly.
Um, do you remember what some of the keys to her scaling were, uh,
Jared: Jared? Yeah. Yeah. Um, and I, by the way, I agree with you. Like at first when I heard that this was the number one. Episode of the year when you shared it, I was like, wow, really? Um, but when I sat back and thought about it, you said exactly what I was thinking, like this really had it all.
Like it has that kind of from the very basics to success storyline we talked about with Grady. It’s got the big, big numbers, you know, earning mid five figures a month now. It’s got the short time horizon. It’s, um, and then when we, she shared her sites, there was tons to tons to build off of there. I mean, it’s really got it all, but yeah, I mean, I did go back and I did re listen to parts of this one to prepare for today.
I did not get to listen to the whole thing, you know, um, a lot more, a lot more going on this week on vacation than I anticipated, but no, she, it’s a really good listen. So a couple of things really quickly. If you’re listening, you’re wondering, no, her site did not get hit by the HCU. She did. Um, did go down a little bit with one of the core updates, but it looks like it gave back maybe just some of the keywords that she had earned earlier in the summer.
So it’s still doing very well from what I could see from a quick glance and a lot of the stuff that she’s doing to build her website piggybacks on a lot of the conversations we’ve been having about what it looks like to build a website going forward in 2024 and beyond. She’s really deeply covering the topic.
She’s pulling on her own expertise. You know, she is a solo traveler living in Mexico and has been doing. So I think she said for nine years. So she’s pulling in all of her own experiences and all of her own expertise when she’s writing the content. She talked a lot about how she did keyword research.
She builds out big topical hubs with the big keywords, the long tail keywords, and how she creates affiliate style content that really showcases. Which is best and why. So that’s basically the backbone of how she did it. And she kind of shares a great playbook for a lot of the things we talk about
Spencer: going forward.
Yeah, that’s a good point that, uh, a site that was successful at the beginning of this year, she really built that great, great foundation for like, Hey, this is, should just be a good business going forward. Uh, she’s, she’s built it right. Uh, and one thing that I love here that I of course have to point out is that she does lots of internal linking and she uses link whisper.
Uh, so I love that, that, uh, she has her on page, her site structure, everything very well organized and under control. And she’s using a great tool, Link Whisper, to help her do that.
Jared: Well, Spencer, not to, uh, be too ominous, but that won’t be the last reference to Link Whisper on this podcast
Spencer: here. Oh, well, okay, good.
I like that. We’ll get a double whammy here. Double whammy, uh, free advertising, uh, for Link Whisper. That’s a good way to finish out the year. I love it. Uh, So, but yeah, great interview and I love it again because it’s, it’s just, she’s very down to earth and very relatable. Right. And, uh, just a very easy and interesting interview to listen to.
So that is why, um, you know, it probably did so well. Um, but I also was, yeah, surprised when I looked at the numbers like, oh, I did not realize she was, uh, the most popular podcast of the year. You would think that I would know that because I do look at the numbers more often, but I don’t often look at the, you know, in a, in a calendar year, um, you know, what’s, what’s been the best, um, one of the year.
Jared: It’s, it’s, it makes sense when you stop and think about it. And I think that that’s cool. I mean, you know, obviously, uh, the numbers are the numbers, like I said earlier, but this one makes a lot of sense. The more I thought about it. So,
Spencer: yeah, yep, definitely. All right. Very good. So that is the top three.
Podcast of the year, the most popular, uh, but Jared and I each had our own favorite. We went through, we looked at the catalog of all the interviews that were done, you know, like 50, uh, interviews and we picked out each our favorite. And so, uh, Jared, maybe I’ll let you go first and then I’ll wrap it up with my favorite show.
Oh man, this
Jared: curve balls left and right here today. I know. Uh, yeah, this is hard. I mean, I’m the one who did the vast majority of the interviews this year. So not to say that it’s like a personal thing, but, um, you know, there’s certainly bits pieces I loved about every, every single interview. Um, uh, and so this is really hard for me to pick.
It’s like trying to pick which kid you love the most. Um, not quite that dramatic, but I have to say that the one that I refer back to the most. The one that I still continue to talk about the most. I send this to clients at my agency. I send it to people, um, with I interact with on Twitter. Like I, I, I referenced this podcast a lot.
And so I had, when I thought about it, I had to come back to this one as my favorite of the year. And that was our. Uh, interview with Cyrus Shepard on internal linking. Um, he did a, there it is on the screen. He did a massive study, analyzed 23 million internal links. Uh, it was over 1800 websites. And the information that he shared on the podcast was so succinct, so clear.
And so easy to understand the results that he got. And then the ability for him to really share all the reasons why behind all of it. Like I learned so many, so much actionable information about the process of internal linking, exactly how to do it according to what the data says. And then I got to ask him a lot of questions I’ve always wanted to know on kind of some in depth internal linking topics.
And he, he gave really, really insightful answers to each of them.
Spencer: Yeah. It’s a, it’s one of these like. It sounds super data heavy and it is, he did this huge study of 23 million internal links, right? Like that’s like PhD level type stuff. Yeah. You know, I haven’t done that. Um, but it’s very actionable. I, I do love that.
He basically at the end of the day, you can walk away with like, okay, here’s not only why internal links are important, but here’s how to do it. Right. Um, like even some of these things I was looking at, right? Like taking all your four or four pages and actually using a 301 redirect, right? To important pages, some of this link sculpting strategies that you can implement today that can improve the overall, um, authority and hopefully ranking of your website at the end of the day.
Yeah. I mean, if
Jared: you’re speaking of actionable, like if you’re wondering, like he shares exactly how many internal links are the right number. He shares exactly the process for anchor texts that you should be using. Um, he shares where your internal links should go, which ones are the most important on the page.
All of this backed by data. Very fascinating.
Spencer: Yeah. And, uh, I, I assume this is the second time that you were going to maybe bring up Link Whisper. He’s also a
Jared: big fan of Link Whisper. And, um, and talked about that. And that’s not to, I say that somewhat tongue in cheek, but also I think that that’s interesting.
Because here’s someone who understands internal linking at like the most nuanced of levels. And says that your plugin, Link Whisper, does a very good job at a lot of that effort for doing that effort for you. So that, that speaks to the power of Link Whisper and perhaps, you know, that it is a, a plugin that is satisfying the internal linking needs of today’s Google and website environment.
Spencer: And like, it was a little bit surprising to me when I, when I first heard the interview, like before the interview, I didn’t talk to, you know, to Cyrus and say, Hey, you know, are you going to mention Link Whisper or anything like that? I had no idea, right. That he, he used Link Whisper. Um, he, he just happened to be familiar with the tool and have used it.
And, you know, said some great things about it, um, which is awesome, which is also a little bit surprising because I think that they sell some software over it, um, you know, at Zippy. I think
Jared: so. I think he mentioned
Spencer: that too. Yeah. Yeah. You know, they, they’ve got some tools, uh, as well. And so, uh, just, just very cool to hear that.
Um, and I guess I’ll mention it now. I wasn’t planning on mentioning this, but you know. If anybody is interested in Link Whisper, I do happen to be running a special deal right now that. Ends January 1st. So, you know, if you listen to this podcast episode, you know, tomorrow or whatever, uh, you can get this special deal.
Uh, basically we’re raising prices in the new year, but, uh, we’re discounting the current price a little bit. So people can check that out. Just go to link whisper. com. Uh, if you want to get a link whisper for pretty much the best price, we’re going to be offering it at. Maybe ever again. Um, you can go ahead and get that.
But, uh, yeah, I really enjoyed Cyrus’s, uh, interview. I kind of enjoy the data analysis, the big studies, you know, we tend to reference Glenn also up a lot and he does a lot of these big studies and it kind of fits in that similar vein. And so I love these types of of interviews and studies that he’s done.
Jared: Well, Spencer. It’s down to you now, and I’m very curious to hear your favorite episode of the, uh, of the calendar year of 2023. Yeah,
Spencer: it is, it is so tough to choose. Um, I was looking at a bunch of these, and you do a great job. I will just give a hat tip to you, Jared, for, for great interviews, and I hear that a lot.
Um, from people that, uh, you, you do a great job interviewing. So kudos to you. Um, and so it was tough to choose. Uh, but the one that I went with was Kevin Espiritu with Epic Gardening. Uh, I think it’s just such a fascinating story, right? Um. Part of it’s the relate ability and part of it’s the not relate ability, right?
I’m in awe of what he’s been able to accomplish. Um, you know, his story starts really in like 2016, which yes, is what? 7 years ago. So I guess that’s kind of a long time in Internet years, but really not that long. Um. You know, in, in 2016, 2017, he had this very small gardening niche website, and it was like the rest of us just building a niche website, trying to rank for keywords.
Um, you know, he was making, I can’t remember now, I even just, oh, 400. That’s, that’s kind of what it was. He was, you know, he’s making like 400 bucks in 2016 per month. And, um, at some point along the way, uh, he decided, you know what, if I want to scale this business, he built it up to like four or 5, 000 a month.
And he talks about this on the interview. It was like, okay, this is enough to live on, but is it really much better than I, you know, I could just have a full time job that’s making 60, 70, 80, 000 a year. That was a little more, uh, security. That has benefits, right. And all these things. So he’s like, okay, I need to scale this a little bit further.
And he kind of kept going on this path of like, okay, how do we scale this? Um, and long story short, I mean, now it’s an eight figure a year business. They’re doing more than 10 million a year. And I just love that he started with a niche website, but he kept finding, finding ways to succeed in the business, whether that was growing his YouTube channel, which is now at like almost 3 million subscribers to growing Tik TOK, which I don’t know.
There’s a number of subscribers, but it’s huge, uh, to social media. He’s crushing it to the big one of. His own products, right? They, they have a seed company. Uh, they have, um, physical products that they sell as well. Uh, they’re in, you know, retail stores. So I just love that he started with the niche site and now he’s just this massive business that is scaled in all ways possible.
Jared: I talk a lot about how in my various businesses throughout the years, like businesses always hit plateaus and, uh, it’s not. Not, not necessarily a bad thing or because you did something wrong. It’s just businesses go through periods of growth. They go through periods of plateau. And usually when you’re at that plateau, it takes another round of strategic insight and thinking about what to do to grow out of that plateau and into the next growth curve, right?
And it can be a challenge at every single plateau to figure that out. And. Um, websites are no different and growing businesses, you know, this is all part and parcel to, to growing businesses. And I, what I loved about this interview was that, um, you know, we never really got into the details about how he did each of those things, but we went through basically every growth curve and every plateau and got to hear his mindset about every one of those plateaus.
And then what he did next, you referenced going from 400 to four to 5, 000 and then. Plateau and then going from four to five thousand to the next and it’s so fascinating because we all hit that spot as we grow our business, our side hustle, our website, we’re going to hit these plateaus and this was a wonderful look into how someone who is very intelligent and very successful has.
Handled every plateau and at every one of them, he has figured out what’s next, how to analyze what’s next and how to pull it off. And it’s just such a cool insight into a very successful person’s mindset on how they grow and each of the pivots they made along the way.
Spencer: And it’s interesting for all the things that you said, but also I still feel like Kevin is very relatable.
Yes. He’s grown this massive business, but just a few years ago, like he was struggling to build a 400 a month niche website, right? It, he didn’t come with some special education or some special knowledge or, um, he’s very smart, but I don’t. Think he’s like genius level. Like he’s just a hustler that’s figured things out and struggled and, and grown at every plateau, like you mentioned.
Uh, and then the other thing that probably also made this my favorite is sort of some of the, the inside scoop that I have behind Epic gardening. Um, you know, they recently acquired a website, right? That, um, I think it’s, you know, all about gardening. com that has now been merged with Epic gardening. And I had the, the sort of, uh, The back seat pass, you know, the backstage pass to all of that happening because I’m good friends with Jason Wilson and Jared.
I know, uh, you are as well. So as that negotiation was all happening and Kevin was thinking about acquiring Jason’s website and bringing Jason on, like I heard all that story and so. Being able to also hear this interview and kind of, you know, connect all the dots of what I was hearing behind the story is just, just really cool to get a really broad picture of how to run a really successful website.
And of course they’ve merged those two sites. Jason has done that, um, really all the. The heavy lifting of merging his old site with Epic Gardening. If you look at their graph, you know, in age refs, it’s just like a straight shot, you know, it’s a, it’s cool to see.
Jared: And we did interview Jason on the all about gardening, um, on the all about gardening website, the growth there, and then the acquisition process through Kevin and Epic Gardening.
So, you know, you can kind of complete that whole circle if you want by listening to both the Kevin Espiritu interview, and then subsequently the Jason Wilson interview, probably, I don’t know, six months later,
Spencer: whatever it was. Yeah. It’s like a one, two punch, right? You get the whole story, um, to, yeah, get the, get the whole picture.
So, um, so very cool. I mean, that’s, that’s the year. Um, that’s, that’s kind of our favorites. Those are the most popular, uh, episodes that we did so many good interviews. We have several in the pipeline that are also really, really, yeah, yeah. We’ve kind of, um, gosh, you got. Six or seven already recorded. You know, I
Jared: recorded five podcasts a week before Christmas.
Spencer: That’s impressive. That’s so that you didn’t have to work very hard this week. I mean, I think this literally this 30 minute episode is about all you’re doing. Uh, that’s about all I’m doing as well. So.
Jared: You want to take a week off, man? You gotta, you gotta pay for it up front or pay for it in the backside.
One of the two, but no, I can assuredly say because we’ve recorded all the way through January and now into, into February that we have some really great interviews. So we’re not, we’re not taking our foot off the gas here for 2024. I expect perhaps this tradition to continue at the end of this year, 2024 at the end of next year, whatever you want to call it.
And I’m so excited to see what our favorites and what the most successful and most popular ones are going to be.
Spencer: So if you’re listening and you have a different favorite, let us know in the comments. Of course, we’d love to hear that. Um, and thank you so much for listening. You know, we’re going to pretty much wrap it up with that.
No weird niche sites today, no side hustles, all that stuff. We’ll get back to that next week. So don’t worry. Um, we’ll, we’ll share results and, you know, insights and things like that, uh, next week, but for this week, I hope everybody had a great Christmas. Hope everybody has a great new year and best of luck in 2024, everyone.
Jared: Yep. Happy 2023 and we will see you in 2024.
Spencer: Thanks a lot.