Social Media Can Be Used Against You — Here’s How to Ensure Your Online Reputation Stays Safe

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You work so hard to build up your own name and protect the reputation you have developed. Yet in our super-connected and politically evolving world, everything you post — every comment, photo and status update — could also be used against you. For a CEO, leader or entrepreneur, the task is all the more high-stakes: managing your online persona.
This article will explore social media’s profound benefits and potential pitfalls for personal brands and reputations like yours. You will learn strategies that can help you harness its power for maximum effect while sidestepping traps that may otherwise cost you your reputation.
What is personal brand, and why does it matter?
Your brand is that shimmering something of skills, experiences, values, and even your little quirks that make you unique and an increasingly attractive choice in your business.
It is the constant reminder you etch into people’s minds about how you need to be perceived and interacted with. Authentic personal branding can make all the difference in the world. It enhances you and increases your solidity, much in the same way that a thick layer of chrome adds to something.
Establishing a well-defined personal brand opens the door to valuable new opportunities, as it allows you to attract like-minded people who resonate with your message. It also prepares you to be the trusted authority, building bonds of trust with audiences so tight it would take steel cables to pull them apart.
This means that if one typifies the loud, clear proclaimer who overflows with contagious passion concerning one’s purpose, one presents a consistent narrative that will resonate as a tuning fork does with one’s people. In summary, this will lead to business growth and career and personal development galore.
Related: Reputation Management Starts Before Your First Bad Review — Here’s How to Develop a Proactive Crisis Plan
The relationship between an online presence and brand reputation
The connection between your presence on social media and your brand reputation has never been stronger these days. Your presence on social media is a high-definition digital mirror that showcases your brand, values, thoughts, triumphs and spirited interactions for the world to see.
Every LinkedIn post, tweet, and digital status update is another brush stroke on the canvas of your portrait, building an unshakeable representation of your radiant essence for others to view. Intentional social media can take your brand to the stratosphere, get your people consistently dialed in, and have you firmly positioned as the thought leader in your space.
In contrast, a poorly managed online presence may easily vanish like a sandcastle in front of an aggressive tide, washing out the foundation of trust that one has built up with hard work.
Every mistake, every controversy, every fight, or one inappropriate overshare on the Internet can take a life of its own and go viral, so much so that it might cause unthinkable, possibly irreparable damage to your reputation. You’ve got to understand that we’re in a digital age that casts a stark spotlight. Every move you make prints an indelible record for the world to scrutinize.
Here are five ways social media can make your personal brand and reputation authentic.
Digital amphitheaters, which are equaled by a huge potential to create authentic personal brands and reputations, bring substantial risk. One errant step or poorly executed post can deal catastrophic damage in the twinkle of an eye, unraveling years of patience and painstakingly earned progress more quickly than a Jenga tower kicked by a mule.
Related: How to Balance Between Personal and Professional Social Media
Potentially provocative, offensive or controversial content
With all shares potentially provocative, offending, or controversial, you may very literally switch off your reputation’s light as if it were a light bulb and lose the audience in thousands.
After all, personal branding in social media is a double-edged sword since, on the one hand, it gives great power to multiply your voice, create absolutely valuable connections, and become a leader of thought for the world. On the other hand, even a small slip can cut very painfully deep with grievous wounds to your reputation.
You must learn to use these digital tools to become an adept brand leader, influencer, or entrepreneur. Achieving the art of appropriately presenting yourself and getting your community involved to grow it to next level is synonymous with enhancing your reputation.
The same reputation you have labored to secure over the years can be gone in the blink of an eye due to controversy, inconsistency, or simply not being professional. Be aware of these perceptions and still know how to use today’s social media power.