Google SEO Starter Guide Updated, Here’s What Changed + 25k Pageviews from Facebook

Welcome back, everybody, to another episode of the Niche Pursuits News Podcast!
This is the place to hear the latest news in the SEO and content publishing industries and it’s where Spencer and Jared break it all down. This week, as always, they also share progress on their side hustles as well as two very, very weird niche sites.
The first topic up for discussion is Google’s decision to rebrand Bard as Gemini
. Google certainly is putting a lot of effort into building out AI tools, and this will be one of their flagship products.
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What do Spencer and Jared think of the company’s decision? And what new features will this tool have?
The next topic is how Google’s updated its SEO Starter Guide.
The guide originally dates back to 2008 And is a guide specifically for beginners. Although there’s probably nothing meaty there for people that are familiar with SEO, Spencer and Jared did highlight a few interesting items, in particular, from the section on things you should not do.
What kind of advice did they share? What does Google say about article length? And how about PageRank and EEAT? And what about business cards?
The last news item they discuss is how Google won’t be able to proceed with third-party cookie deprecation. This means that the phasing out of third-party cookies may or may not be delayed as Google has been asked to comply with additional safety requirements in the UK.
This is big news because it could potentially affect content creators’ earnings, Although it’s true that advertising is Google’s bread and butter and it will likely do everything it can to maintain it, this is definitely a topic you’ll want to keep an eye on!
In the Shiny Object Shenanigans portion of the podcast, Spencer goes first with an update on his Facebook traffic side hustle. He was able to reduce the cost of his likes campaign to grow his page. He shares a lot of the data behind the campaigns, but the real question is whether those likes are driving traffic to his website.
Is it working? What does his Google Analytics reveal? And what is he going to do moving forward?
When it’s Jared’s turn, he provides an update on his Weekend Growth YouTube channel, which officially qualifies for monetization. He shares the stats behind his growth and reveals that the site is less than a year old.
He also offers an update on his public speaking side hustle with an exciting announcement. Check out the episode to hear what it is!
When it comes to weird niche sites, Spencer takes the lead with a very weird site called Is It Friday Yet. According to Ahrefs, the site doesn’t get any traffic, although there is a very entertaining video on YouTube that reviews the website, so tune in to hear more about that.
When it was Jared’s turn, he revealed a 1-page weird niche site: The Office Stare Machine, which lets you input an emotion and it will show stares from Office characters conveying that emotion. They test it out, and the results are pretty funny!
This DR30 site ranks for just 28 keywords, but it does have 49k likes from Facebook. It doesn’t get a lot of organic traffic, and Spencer and Jared talk about the potential strategies the owner might be using on Facebook. Where does it have the potential to do well?
And that brings us to the end of another great episode of The Niche Pursuits News Podcast. We hope this weekly dose of the latest news has brought you up to speed in the SEO and content creation space and you’re feeling inspired by Spencer and Jared’s side hustles.
See you next Friday!
Spencer: Hey, everyone. Welcome back to another episode of this week in niche pursuits news. I’m with Jared here. We’re excited to cover the news and the SEO and content publishing industry, along with a couple of other art side projects that we’re working on. Uh, and then finally at the end, we’re going to talk about a couple of weird niche sites that we have.
Um, You know, I’m feeling like mine’s almost a throwaway week. I, I feel kind of bad. Like, uh, it’s, is this, is this fit? Is it worth talking about? But here it is. It’s a weird niche site. I had a peek. They’re
Jared: both along the whimsical lines. I’ll tell everyone that. So we’re going to have some fun today with our
Spencer: weird niches.
I think it’ll be fun, you know, so stick around. It will be fun. Will you be inspired? You know, maybe not. Yeah, I don’t know about that. Exactly. So, um, but there is, uh, some news. I, I don’t know if it’s a heavy news week per se. It doesn’t feel like anything drastically has changed. Last week
Jared: was pretty heavy too.
So on the back of that, there’s probably also a feeling of, yeah, last week was a lot of stuff.
Spencer: There was there was a lot of stuff last week and you know, there’s a lot of it almost feels like chess moves, right? You know, somebody’s moving a pawn here and there no checkmate news here or anything like that But we’ve got a couple pawn moves that a could lead to something big Hey everyone, Spencer here, founder of Niche Pursuits.
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So first, let’s start off with, uh, Google barred, you know, um, we’ve talked about that, of course, uh, quite a bit. So there is, I guess it’s a leak. It’s not necessarily official, uh, but it sounds like it’s most likely happening, uh, very soon. Maybe even by the time this podcast is released that Google is rebranding barred.
To Gemini. Um, and, uh, so, I mean, this has been covered all over the place. It, it was, uh, a developer found this on, um, and, and shared it on Twitter. They just sort of saw in the, uh, Oh, where did they see that? Change log,
Jared: the change, let’s UI to reduce visual distractions and blah, blah, blah, stuff that’s in the article.
Yeah. Basically what they’re doing.
Spencer: Yeah, exactly. So in their change log, it was sort of said, but Google hasn’t officially announced this. Uh, but I think it’s a great change. I mean, when I personally think of the name Google Bard, I don’t know. I, I just, I don’t get visions of, it doesn’t connote like intelligence and new and fresh.
It feels like an old word. I don’t know. Bard just feels kind of,
Jared: it’s better than, uh, It’s better than grok. I agree with that. Twitter, Twitter, Twitter platform. But yeah, it’s, it’s not great still. Yeah,
Spencer: it just isn’t great. And you know, um, I, I’ve read the history and you know, there’s some reasons they named it Bart or whatever, but Gemini feels like an intelligent word.
It feels cutting edge. It feels kind of modern ish, right? Like very tech feeling word. Wasn’t the
Jared: name of one of the space programs, you know, like discovery and pursuit of, of new things. And, you know, I, yeah, I agree.
Spencer: Yeah. So, you know, if, if I were in the boardroom making decisions with Google there and the CEO, I would have said for sure, let’s, let’s go with the name change to, uh, to Gemini.
Uh, so. Yeah, it’s expected to happen. Um, I think Jared, you said you just pulled up Google barred. It hasn’t happened yet. Uh, but, uh, we’re recording
Jared: though, prior to this podcast going live. So when you listen to this over the weekend, it could very well be likely someone, uh, in the article, it said that the change log was for, was noted for February 7th.
So in theory, it should be live by now, but these things can change. So who knows? Yeah,
Spencer: well, very good. So, uh, we will maybe leave it at that. Just kind of an announcement. Hey, uh, Google is is changing the name. But I guess the undertone of this that we talked about, I think it was last week. Just they’re putting a lot of effort and energy behind.
Um, you know, Gemini and Bard, right? They’re kind of building out these AI tools and this feels like this. They’re trying to make this one of their flagship products. So a couple
Jared: things I’ve just started quickly highlight that I thought were really bigger than the name change in terms of capabilities.
Number one is they’re playing on apparently releasing a voice chat component, uh, that, that would be cool if it. Played itself out nicely. And then also they’re looking at releasing Gemini advanced, which is a paid plan, comparable or to compete with chat GPT plus. I think we’ve had that in the news a couple of weeks ago.
It doesn’t sound new, but, uh, you know, more competition is good. I know a lot of people have been having better luck with Bard these days than chat GPT as a, as a chat bot. Uh, certainly Spencer, you have not been having good luck with Bard, but that’s your situations notwithstanding. So that’ll be good, you know, to see some of these, uh, uh, I use chat GPT plus a lot, so.
Seeing the advanced version will be great.
Spencer: Yeah, no, I agree. It, uh, any new advancements and, um, Gemini has been, or Bard, right. It has been free, right? Sounds like they’re going to have a premium version, but a great free tool that people can continue to use under a new name. Yeah. With some maybe new features, the voice, uh, assisted and, um, other premium features.
So we’ll keep an eye on that, uh, as it progresses. Um, The other big news story this week is that Google made an update to their SEO starter guide. Um, and so they’ve had an SEO starter guide for a long time, going back to 2008 is what it says here in the article. It was originally a 22 page PDF, right? But they’ve, you know, tweaked it over the years.
Um, they. added some things and they removed some things. It, it sounded like mostly it was condensing a lot of it. Um, they, they removed a lot of fluff, I guess I should say, and compressed a lot of sections, um, with the overall guidance that this truly is a starter guide. This is meant for beginners, this.
Isn’t meant for advanced SEO tactics. Um, so if you’re looking for real meat and something that’s, you know, uh, something that maybe you haven’t heard about, like you’re not going to find it in the SEO starter guide, but I think there is some interesting insights, uh, into some of the changes they made, some of the things that they point out within the SEO starter guide that really should just be basic knowledge and guidance that we should all use when building a website.
So. Um, yeah, so they go over what they added, what they changed. Um, you know, like I said, they, they compressed a lot of, uh, sections mostly because they felt like some was more advanced than what was needed in the starter guide. Um, and then they, they added some new sections on different things. So if we take a look at this, um, I had just a couple of, um, things that I thought were interesting.
Um, Mostly surrounding what you should, uh, not focus on. Right. So they have a sec, an entire section here, exactly where I went
Jared: to. That’s funny.
Spencer: Uh, things we believe you shouldn’t focus on. Yup. Right. Uh, and I. Sense that they include this because of the SEO community, right? There’s so many people giving advice.
SEOs are saying, do this, do that, and for whatever reason, Google has latched onto some of that and say, don’t focus too much on these things, right? So things like meta keywords. Keyword stuffing, keywords in the domain or the URL path. EMDs are out now. Is that what you’re telling me? EMDs are out, man. That, you know, 2013 version of me is, is, uh, by the way, still do PMDs.
You can, you can do them.
Jared: I’m kidding. I will ask you questions about every single one of these. I promise.
Spencer: But, uh, you know, um, one, one that I thought was, uh. Somewhat interesting minimum or maximum content length, right? The long length of content doesn’t matter. Um, there’s no magical word count. It says though you should probably want to have at least one word.
Uh, yes. Look at Google
Jared: getting a sense of humor here. Come on. Yeah. Come on. Um, we’ll clap for that one.
Spencer: Yeah. It does say that you should, um. If you’re varying your words, right, like semantic keywords, um, writing naturally to not be repetitive, you have more chances to show up in search simply because you are using more keywords.
Okay, so that’s, you know, that’s kind of interesting. Um, was there anything else that you found, uh, kind of interesting on some of these
Jared: here? I mean, I, I, I did, for all of you listening, I didn’t go back and look at what it was before and all that. And, and so I admit, I don’t, I haven’t paid attention to the starter guide in a long time, but I mean, I just, I thought it was interesting in this section, they talk about page rank.
Like I, I don’t remember Google like talking about page rank for a long time now, obviously we knew. 10 plus years ago, page rank was shared with us. We actually get a score, like what was it? One through 10, um, on our page rank. And it was dynamic. Cause you could like watch that sucker go up or down and you knew your rankings were entirely dependent on that.
And I know they sunsetted away from showing us that, but I also thought they kind of moved away from talking about it. So I don’t know. I thought it was interesting. It’s like. They’re basically saying, hey, PageRank is here, and it uses links, and it’s one of the fundamental algorithms at Google. It’s like, oh, we’ve all known that, but I don’t know, is that, is that the first time you’ve seen it in print in a while, or is it
Spencer: just me?
Maybe so, I mean, I haven’t been researching, but I agree that, you know, it’s not something that you’ve heard Google talk about in a long time. Uh, in many years, they kind of went through a big PR campaign. I don’t know what year it was where they, you know, sort of removed it from being publicly totally used and mentioned.
Right. And, um, but yeah, here they are mentioning it. Um, it, it’s a fascinating history. Um, fun fact, PageRank is not named PageRank because of a website having pages, but it’s actually named after Larry Page. So it’s his last name PageRank. He was the one that created it. Um, it’s, it’s kind of like the original ranking factor.
I mean, it is
Jared: based on basically, right? Like it’s what made Google better than Yahoo at the time.
Spencer: Exactly. Exactly. And it was all based on links then. Um, and so it’s still like very core to their algorithm and they just. They say don’t focus on it, right? Um, there’s a lot more to Google search than just links.
Um, page rank is just one of those, right? But it is still a, a ranking factor. Um, okay, duplicate content, number and order of headings. Uh, and then speaking of ranking factors, uh, thinking E E A T is a ranking factor. No, it’s not. I kind of love that. If I’m honest, right? It’s just like this short and very direct answer of, If you think EEAT is a ranking factor, No, it’s not.
Period. I’m still bothered
Jared: by the suggestion.
Spencer: Yeah, they’re, they’re a little bit bothered by it. And then of course you can open up their, um, EAT, you know, factors. Um, it’s really more based on what they give quality raters, right? These are these guidelines. They look at the EAT to sort of say if the website is somebody that is demonstrating expertise, authoritative trust, right?
Jared: you still living under the hashtag just EAT.
Spencer: Right. Yeah. Um, so I don’t know. Is it a ranking factor? No, it’s not.
Jared: Yeah. I mean, uh, to be fair to them, they’ve never positioned it as a ranking factor. They usually don’t do a good job clearly explaining stuff in the first place. So given that this is a starter guide, perhaps people beginning in SEO could be remiss for or be forgiven for thinking it could be a ranking factor given how much it’s talked about.
So I see both sides.
Spencer: Yeah. Um, so one of my favorite parts here of the SEO starter guide, um, I’ll, I’ll just read this paragraph and this has gotten tons of shares and retweets and comments sort of poking fun, uh, at Google for this. So I’ll just read the paragraph. It says it’s under their marketing, uh, promoting your website section says putting effort into the offline promotion of your company or site can also be rewarding.
For example, if you have a business site. Make sure it’s URL is listed on your business cards, letterhead, posters, and other materials with their permission. You could also send out recurring newsletters to your audience, letting them know about new content on your website, right? So be sure to include your, your website, URL on business cards, letterhead, et cetera, uh, on the SEO starter guide, right?
Is. Kind of funny. And then of course, Cyrus, uh, Shepard here says Google’s, uh, we’ll share that screen, uh, Google’s new SEO starter guide. Don’t focus on page rank and links. Instead, put your URL on business cards and posters. Um, I anyways, hilarious tweet that, uh. There’s been many variations of this being shared on Twitter throughout the week that just saw a huge spike in my traffic, thanks to all the business cards I recently handed out or etc.
Right now I’m ranking number one because I just, you know, I handed out a bunch of business cards. It’s yeah, it’s,
Jared: um, again, I see both sides like there. You know, this is kind of underpinning a lot of what we’ve seen with the HCU, right? Like a lot of people will say like, Oh, it looks like, uh, and Spencer, you’ve shared it this week, so I can throw it right back at you.
Like direct traffic seems to be a positive signal for Google. If you put your name on a business card, they can’t click on it. So they’re going to have to take that business card and type the URL in. And that’s, so I see that they’re in many ways trying to tell us perhaps. Some of the things that they’re factoring in now.
Thank you for that. But it’s just too easy for us to all have fun with, right? The concept of direct traffic is a little bit more complicated than the nuanced approach of just put your, you know, business name on a, uh, URL on a business card and stuff. So it’s too much fun. It just, you know,
Spencer: It’s a lot of fun.
I mean, I, I agree with you. I think there’s kind of a nugget of wisdom there is that whatever you can do to get people to go directly to your website, I mean, it’s really just about building a real brand, right? So that people recognize you of, Hey, I’m going to go to this website because I trust them, whether or not I actually saw it on a business card.
Right. Is really not the main thing here. Um, but I, I agree that perhaps Google is kind of. Telling us or hinting that, Hey, if people are coming directly to your website, if they’re typing in your URL, if they’re visiting your site from other places than just search, like that’s a good thing just for business, but also potentially for search itself.
Jared: Totally. And it is a good thing, you know, and, um, you know, that is a good thing. I think just, uh, plus it’s an archaic, right? Like, do you have business cards, Spencer? Like, do you have
Spencer: any? I might have some that I printed in like 2015 or something. Vistaprint style there? Oh yeah, Vistaprint went to a business conference ready, ready to hand some
Jared: out.
Ready to hand those suckers out, right. I have never made a business card for 201 Creative. I can count on one hand the number of times I’ve kind of felt like I needed one. I mean, so it’s a bit archaic in um, it’s a bit archaic in that, I think that’s also some of what people are having fun with, you know.
Yep. I mean, from a high level, I don’t know. I just thought, from the whole SEO starter guide that Google published, like I just can’t be, I can’t help myself. The last six months it’s been from Google. It’s been all about don’t write for SEO, write for humans. And then now we’re getting an SEO starter guide released to us on how to do SEO better.
I just, it just, it’s very difficult to get your mind around from a PR standpoint.
Spencer: Yeah. Um, I agree. And you know, a lot of the things that they share in the SEO starter guide is very specific to like targeting keywords, right? Like, um, you have more chances to show up in search because you are using more keywords, right?
It kind of tells you very SEO things, right? Um, so. I don’t know. They, they tiptoe. They do the dance. They do the best to not tell us to write for search engines while giving us hints for what you need to do to write for search engines. Um, so I agree. I see it. It’s kind of ironic. Um, all right. Maybe let’s move on to our final news story of the day here.
Uh, before we jump into our shiny object, uh, shenanigans, uh, and this one is also like, it could be big news or it could just not be, um, time we’ll tell on this one, but, uh, the headline here is Google cannot proceed with third party deprecation. Um, so, uh, Third party cookie deprecation, third party cookie deprecation.
Thank you. Um, cookies is the important part there. Um, the UK’s competition and markets authority, uh, has some concerns over their privacy sandbox. I guess these are changes that Google has been making to meet the new, um, the new guidelines, um, to make sure that privacy across, you know, browsers and users, uh, and advertisers is happening.
And so, uh, this, um, yeah, UK organization had some concerns and saying, you know, you need to make some changes before you’re able to implement this. Uh, and so the, I guess the news story is that potentially the third party, you know, losing the third party cookie could get pushed back a little bit if Google is not able to meet these guidelines in time, but the goal overall was, uh.
By the end of quarter two, I think, or the second half of 2024 on DSO. They still have several months. And I know that a Google search liaison responded to search engine land and said, we continue to move forward with our plans. To phase out third party cookie cookies in H2 2024, subject to addressing any remaining concerns from the UK CMA, we are confident the industry can make the transition in 2024 based on all the tremendous progress we’ve seen from leading companies.
Jared: H2 2024? Could that be a typo? I’m wondering
Spencer: if, well, I’m wondering if it’s half to
Jared: halfway through 2024.
Spencer: Like, yeah, like, like half, like I get, I’m guessing, but yeah, I’m, I’m guessing like the start of, I have to admit quarter
Jared: three when I’m typing. I type H two so often ’cause I’m, I’m an SEO O maybe, you know, the, the, the writer was just, you know, in SEO mode
Spencer: Yeah. They just wrote the starter guide and now they’re writing,
Jared: writing this. We did a new story a couple weeks ago, I think at the end of December where we, I, I think they said it was. 2024. So, um, this is the first we’re hearing about concerns with the third party to cookie depreciation, right?
Spencer: Right, exactly.
And, and, and this is big news because, uh, for those that don’t remember, uh, because this could impact, um, advertisers in a lot of ways, but publishers potentially earning less, um, from like display ads. If, if advertisers can’t really. Use the same data that they used before. They may not know how much to bid, and so they might bid lower on advertising.
We really don’t know. Um, but certainly, I mean, Google is going to do everything in their power because, uh, I think we use the phrase. This is their golden goose, right? Like advertising. And so they want to make sure advertisers are willing to spend as much as possible. And so I’m confident we’re not going to see a huge change.
Impact on RPMs. Uh, but we really don’t know. And so that, that’s why this is a big story. And if it gets pushed back further and further, like I’m good with business as usual, you know, less changes is always nice. Um, so it sounds like we got another six months or so before anything real could get implemented.
I don’t think,
Jared: uh, publishers will be disappointed to hear that.
Spencer: Exactly. So if you’re on Mediavine, Raptive, Ezoic, like there’s really nothing you need to do for the next several months, right? Till the second half of the year. Uh, and then maybe potentially there will be something you need to do, but we’ll keep you posted.
So keep listening in, uh, to the podcast here, of course. Um, I think that wraps up the, uh, news stories that we had for the day. Um. But we’ve got a couple of side hustles that, that we want to chat about. And maybe I’ll just go ahead and jump in first. Um, last week I talked, um, about how I was building a Facebook page.
I was trying to grow the follower count and I was running, um, some likes campaigns, uh, to do that. And, uh, I, I think. I shared at the time that I was getting, I had like three campaigns running, one at 5 cents, 7 cents and one at 11 or 12 cents or something like that. Um, well, I’m happy to say it’s gotten even cheaper.
Um, I started a couple of new, uh, likes campaigns to grow my page and I’m getting even cheaper likes now. And so I had a couple of screenshots, uh, that I was going to share. And, uh, again, the, the end goal is to build up the Facebook page, post content, uh, on, um, on, onto Facebook that leads to my niche website, right?
And then hopefully get a lot of traffic to the niche website. The website makes, uh, money from, uh, display ads. And so here is my, my best, um, I think it was either the day we recorded or the day after we recorded. Um, I was chatting with a buddy and he gave me an idea for a new campaign and I implemented it and that’s the one it’s getting three cents per follow or like, uh, and it’s gotten 3, 167 followers, uh, over the past six days.
And I spent a total of 97 and 10 cents under a hundred dollars. Under a hundred dollars over 3000 followers in less than a week, right? This, this doesn’t have to be crazy expensive. And I even included in this screenshot, the demographics, right? So you can see just the age breakdown of people. It’s pretty older ladies.
Hit with the older ladies, uh, for sure. It’s like 54 percent women and 45 percent men overall. Right. But, uh, yeah, the bulk of it is the 55 to 65 plus range. Um, I’m starting to think that Facebook like skews that direction anyways, right? There’s not a lot of 18 to no. 30 year olds on Facebook period. So this is probably not too at work.
We’re probably
Jared: one of the younger segments on the, uh, on the Facebook. Uh, we don’t need to share our
Spencer: age, but I’m not in, you know, those last two categories for sure. I can tell you that. Yeah. Yeah. Um, and so, uh, so yeah, I’m super happy with, um, I kind of landed on this campaign that’s going really well.
I’ve scaled it up now to, um, I think I’m at 20 a day. I just, you know, turned that dial up a day or two ago. And so this should, it’s doing really well. Um, and then just to give a little bit more information, hopefully people are enjoying this. Let me know in the comments. Uh, if you’re not enjoying it, I’ll just stop sharing all this data.
Uh, but it’s interesting to me, um, over the last seven days, this is all my campaigns, right, which I’ve had five or six different ads that have run. Um, I’ve spent 325. I’ve gotten just over 6, 000 likes, or just about 6, 100 followers. Uh, from that I did the math. Uh, it’s just a little over 5 cents per like, it’s like 5 and a half cents roughly, uh, per like, uh, which is excellent.
I mean, really anything that’s under 10 cents per like I, I keep that campaign active, uh, and so this one that’s 3 cents per like is driving the bulk, uh, of that. And, uh, so the question is, well, are all these followers and likes leading to traffic, right? That’s the end of the day is I want traffic to my website.
Um, and so I have a screenshot of my Google analytics. Uh, so, uh, Over the last 30 days is what’s showing here. You know, it’s got 25, 000 page views, my website. Uh, and you can see it’s very spiky. I’ve had two or three just big spikes in traffic, right? Where I get three or 4, 000 visitors in a single day. Uh, and then it kind of, you know, goes back to maybe a couple hundred a day.
Um, and that’s just kind of the nature of Facebook that I’m experiencing is that we get a couple of posts that take off. We’re posting like three times a day, but it’s only a few times a month that something really gets more than like a thousand visitors right in a single day. Um, And so I would, you know, I would say it’s going decent, right?
It’s not like, um, it’s not making me rich just yet. Uh, but it’s fascinating enough that I’ve been able to build up this page. It’s now at, um, 51, 000 followers overall. Uh, you know, got 25, 000 page views in the last 30 days and. As the page grows, and I think I mentioned this last week that I know I need to double down and just figure out a better formula to have a higher hit rate.
Right? So we’re posting three times a day. I may bump that up to like five times a day, but also try to make them more effective. Right? So instead of two or three big hits a month, we get maybe three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 10 or so, right? Uh, then that, so, so that’s what I really need to do.
Um, here in the next couple of weeks is just dial in the strategy of, okay. Which articles really take off, which, you know, Facebook posts really get lots of shares and traffic, et cetera. So I’m going to keep working on that. Uh, but for now it’s growing and, uh, yeah, I’m, I’m positive about the future here.
So just wanted to share my little check in
Jared: to your point. Like it looks like from that graph you have on the screen, it looks like. The vast majority of page views do come from when a piece of content goes a little bit viral, right?
Spencer: Yeah, exactly. Exactly. It goes a little bit viral and there’s essentially no other traffic.
Yeah. Like it’s, it gets a few clicks from Google, but none of it’s really SEO optimized, right? Um, maybe I’ll come prepared with that, but it’s, I think it’s less than 200 visitors a month, right? From Google. It’s like all, it’s like all Facebook. Like that’s, that’s the only traffic source. So,
Jared: man, I think it’s great.
I mean, I think obviously all that. Chatter has been about, you know, a lot of like Facebook and Pinterest and just driving traffic from different sources, newsletters. We just talked already about direct traffic, right? Like certainly we’re all seeking other channels of, uh, of, of traffic and engagement, and I mean, the fact that you’ve even been able to get, call it 25, 000 pages a month.
With a cheap amount of likes, uh, keep spend on likes and, and like, it almost reminds me of our Amazon influencer stuff that we were doing all last year, where it feels pretty unoptimized. Like you said, like your hit rate isn’t very high. And if you increased your hit rate, that’s clearly the direct way to grow this traffic along with just getting more followers.
Like there’s two clear paths, but even. Out of the gate without a really strong strategic, uh, pull behind it. You’re, I mean, you’re definitely getting waves,
Spencer: right? Yeah. Up to this point. I’m kind of just, we’re, we’re throwing a lot of things at the board, right. In terms of the content that we’re throwing out there and, um, not.
Super strategic about it. It’s like, okay, we’ve got our niche. We know they’re interested in this particular thing. And so we’re sharing all kinds of news and other articles. Right. Um, but. Dialing into strategy and seeing, okay, what are other pages doing? What have other successful business owners done specifically on Facebook?
Like I very much feel like I’m just learning, um, how to make something do really well on Facebook. I am not an expert at all. So this is me on my first attempt. I really do feel like, okay, if I studied the. Best practice strategies, start implementing those double the amount of posts that we’re doing and double the size of the Facebook page, right?
Hopefully we’re at 100, 000 visitors a month, you know, pretty quick after that. So, well,
Jared: I mean, I don’t want to oversell it. We talked about how it would probably take a little consistency at that range, but at 23, 000, 25, 000 views, 20, 000 sessions. So Mediavine looks at sessions. Uh, you’re halfway there and you can then monetize with ads and all of a sudden, you know, who knows how much, you know, the RPMs in this specific niche will end up paying you,
Spencer: right?
Yep. That’s the goal. Get onto Mediavine because it’ll pay more than Ezoic. I am on Ezoic because they don’t have a traffic, right? Um, requirement. And, um, yeah, see where, see where it goes from there. So I’ll, I’ll just kind of keep sharing my progress. This is, uh, kind of my fun side hustle, uh, for now that, uh, I’m enjoying and, um, yeah, hopefully it keeps going well.
Jared: Yeah. Congratulations. This is great. Before we jump into the podcast, I wanted to let you know that today’s episode is sponsored by Search Intelligence. Here’s a short clip of Ferry from Search Intelligence, showing you how their agency built digital PR links to a client’s website.
Spencer: What a crazy campaign!
How to sleep on your back. This campaign got us links in Huffington Post, Glamour Magazine, Mirror and lots of other great news publications. Let me show you how we’ve done it. It was so simple. Our sleep client provided us with expert commentary about how to train yourself to fall asleep on your back.
They also gave advice on why it’s best to sleep on your back. Once we’ve had this information, we went to Muckrack and searched for journalists that consistently write about sleep and well being. We’ve sent these journalists the advice provided by the client. And within one day, the links started flowing in.
Glamour Magazine, a DR81 website, picked it up. Huffington Post, DR88, Mirror UK, DR90. A massive avalanche of links blasted through our client’s website. With this simple yet effective campaign about how to sleep on your back. I hope this inspires and I hope you’ll use this technique to land massive links to your or your client’s website.
Jared: If you want similar link building PR campaigns for your website, head to search intelligence. co. uk and get in touch with them now. What are you working
Spencer: on Jared?
Jared: Well, I might’ve shared this. I can’t remember at this point, I believe I might’ve hinted at it. And that is that the weekend growth YouTube channel has become eligible for full monetization.
Um, now just thank you. Yeah, I got a couple of stats. I’ll share with people on that. Uh, and remember there’s several levels now of monetization with YouTube, right? There’s that initial level where you get access to, frankly speaking, a bunch of stuff that doesn’t matter. You can, like, have, like, fans, and they can pay you money, and all that sort of stuff.
It’s like, stickers and badges, and I didn’t even care about that number. That’s, that’s like with the 3, 000 watch hours, and 500 subscribers, I think the real one, the one that you can put ads on your videos and start seeing monthly checks coming from, from that is at the 1000 subscriber and 4000 watch hour period.
And I think you have to have three videos upload in the last month or something like that, or last 90 days, whatever it is. I hit that. So, um, just some stats on this cause this is a brand new channel that started 284 days ago. So it started in April. I think the end of April. Um, so less than a year again, as per normal for all of our side hustles, definitely has not been a focus of mine.
It’s been something that, uh, well, I’ll share that here. Uh, kind of the stats, but it has, um, at time of recording 2, 588 subscribers. It has 4, 015 watch hours. So I hit the subscriber number far quicker than I hit the watch hour number. From what I understand, that’s pretty common. Um, unless you’re like a video gamer and people just sit there and watch you play for like two hours in a row, like it’s a little harder to hit the watch hours when your average video is, you know, getting three minutes of watch time.
Right. So, um, but did it did break the watch hour? I have a total of 16 videos live and two live videos. So that makes a total of 18 videos. 18 videos in nine months, about two videos a month, right? So that’s my average. I did end up making 33 shorts out of those 18 videos and that went nowhere. So I don’t know if you’ve had much luck with shorts, but that certainly didn’t go anywhere.
That was a waste of time. Luckily it didn’t take much time. Um, and so, yeah, we’re going to get, we’re going to get ads on there and we’ll see what, uh, we’ll see what it starts making, but that’s a pretty big milestone in the whole weekend growth. We’ve talked about the newsletter. Um, uh, and some other things that we can growth does.
But, uh, you know, shoot a year ago, I did not have the newsletter, but I also didn’t have the YouTube channel. It’s another way to kind of earn residual income from these videos.
Spencer: That’s a lot of, of, uh, that’s, that’s a big change from a year ago, right? I didn’t even, the brand didn’t even exist, uh, a year ago.
So boy, you were busy in 2023 with the Amazon influencer program. Uh, the YouTube channel has done, has done well. Um, I’m curious, what’s been your most successful video so far? Oh, do you know
Jared: offhand? Uh, offhand, my most successful video is still my low fruits keyword research
Spencer: tutorial. Is that
Jared: right? Yes. Um, and my link whisper tutorial is in the top five of my videos.
Spencer: Alright, well, more people need to go watch that. I agree. You know, go watch Jared’s Link Whisper Review video. It’s like 50 minutes long. Yeah, it’s a deep dive on how to use it. Um, everything you need to know for internal linking, so.
Jared: Let’s see, sort by most viewed. And yeah, low fruits, and then my how to build.
That’s about to break the 10, 000 view mark. Uh, that was published 8 months ago, so that was one of my earlier videos. And then my, uh, how to build topical authority in SEO, which is published four months ago, has 7, 700 views as well. So it was my top two videos.
Spencer: That’s really good, um, for a, for a new channel less than a year old to have videos getting close to 10, 000 views, even after several months, right?
That’s great. People would be, uh, people would love to have that kind of success. I’ve seen lots of channels that, you know, they’re a couple of years old and they’re cranking away, still not able to kind of hit some of those view numbers. So, so kudos. So Spencer,
Jared: my number four video is my first 30 day video review of being on Amazon influencers.
All right, so i’ve heard that has 3100 views i’ve heard the grapevine you’re going to be releasing an amazon influencer video soon Yes,
Spencer: you heard, uh from the proper source. It sounds like You
Jared: might have a head start on me with your 40 000 subscribers or so But do you think you can beat my 3100 views?
Spencer: We’ll find out I like this little challenge. I will accept this challenge I
Jared: am not bad Do I get a handicap on this one or
Spencer: something? I don’t know. That’s a good question. So I I am releasing, this will be a little teaser ad here. I am releasing a YouTube video on Monday, Monday morning. I’m doing my full Amazon influencer video.
Yeah. Right. Right after we record, I’m actually, I know I got the final edit back. I haven’t watched it yet from my editor, so I’m going to watch it. It should be ready to go. I’m going to, you know, get it all prepped and, but yes, on Monday it will be published. I’m going to go over my whole journey over the year.
Um. And, uh, yeah, a lot of, a lot of good tips and a little, a few fun things in their clips of a couple of clips of me actually doing reviews. So watch for that. Um, it, anyways, I think it’s pretty good. It’s turned out well. Um, so go watch that, but watch that one. I’ll watch, you know, without Jared, I’ll give me one view.
Will it get more than 3, 300 true?
Jared: If I watch, I’m going to be actually undermining my efforts
Spencer: here. Well, if I, if I’m over by just one,
Jared: give it to me. There’s my handicap, one.
Spencer: Yeah, that’s right. You and I, I’ll take away two. Uh, I’ll take away two of the views.
Jared: Um, and then, uh, one more update. Uh, I have been working hard at the public speaking goal and I’m proud to announce that I’ve secured, uh, officially my second public speaking spot.
It’s been in the works for a while, but it’s all done and dusted. So I’ll be speaking in Puerto Rico in July at the TVX conference, which is one of the larger if not largest travel blogger. and Expo in the, in the world. It bounces around locations all over the country, all over the world. Sorry. Um, and this year it’s in Puerto Rico in July.
Spencer: Puerto Rico. That’s awesome. You know, I know a couple of people, uh, maybe three people actually that now live in Puerto Rico, uh, and they, they enjoy it, you know, they’re, they were in the U S but they went to Puerto Rico cause they, they like it so much. There a lot of reasons, but, um. So, uh, do you know what you’re speaking on?
Do you have to, did you have to pitch them like here? I’m going to speak on this. Hey, you knew somebody there and they said, yeah, come on and speak. Uh, I got
Jared: invited to speak, uh, which is always better, you know, when you’re on the receiving end of an invitation, um, I, I gave him two topics based on some back and forth, I think I know which one they’re going to pick, but because I haven’t actually seen them.
Say what I’m speaking on yet. I won’t publicly announce it here. Okay. Uh, I don’t want the niche proceeds audience to cause that, uh, to, to switch on their part or any part, but I have a pretty good idea. I gave them two different topics that they were, um, interested in and, uh, either one will be fine with everyone they pick.
So yeah. Yeah. I think it’s a one hour presentation. Those are no, that’s the downside of all this. If you haven’t publicly, if you haven’t spoken publicly before, it’s, it’s great when you get accepted and you’re like excited about it. Yeah. All of a sudden you’re like, Oh, I have to write this. And it’s, um, it’s a lot to put together a one hour talk.
That’s good. So the work is in front of me, but that’s
Spencer: part of the gig. That is part of the gig. And you’re, but you’re well practiced obviously doing that, doing the podcast, YouTube channel, you’ve got a lot of data to pull from. So, uh, I’m sure you’re going to crush it. Uh, that’s good. So I’m halfway to
Jared: my goal.
I got two more I’ve got to get before the end of the year. I’m feeling pretty good. It’s only February. I.
Spencer: I think you’re going to hit it. No problems. Uh, you know, if you need help, let, let me know. I want one other travel blog conference actually just came to mind. Uh, it’s actually, I think it’s called travel con, uh, that is brand new, um, by PT money, Philip Taylor, uh, that also, um, you know, he puts on the, um, uh, financial FinCon.
Conference that, that I attended, he acquired travel con or decided to start travel con and that’s happening. So I have an inside track there. So do I don’t know if he’s looking for speakers or anything, but I should, uh, I should hire you as my agent. There you go. Get a little kickback.
Jared: You can get a kickback of everything.
I’m getting paid to speak at this TVX conference. Let me tell you.
Spencer: You get free mints and drinks or something. Uh, I don’t know. Yeah,
Jared: it’s uh, you don’t do it for the money. Let’s put it that
Spencer: way. Yeah. No, congrats. So two, two books, two more to go. I’m sure you’re going to do it. Um, that’s exciting. Very good.
Jared: Like it is only February, but remember these, these conferences don’t, they’re happening throughout 2024. I got to get in. Like they’re starting to announce all their speakers. So I am under the gun to get these slots filled because if by October, I don’t think if I’m down a spot, uh, I’m going to be able to get that at that point.
Right. So you got to front load these. If your goal is to speak in my case, four times in 2024.
Spencer: Exactly. All right, well maybe let’s move on to our weird niche sites and, uh, we could have a couple of fun ones like we teased in the opening here. Definitely undersold yours. Um, yeah, I still, I still feel like, I don’t know, like we need the, the loser sound effect, you know, of like, eh, is this, you
Jared: know, is this one you found or are you in a, in, uh, inadvertently making someone feel bad?
Who gave this. You know, I,
Spencer: I found, I mean, I saw it somewhere. Nobody specifically reached out and said, share this. So it’s, it’s on me, it’s on me, but I’ve got my spreadsheet and I’m, it’s starting to get thin. So I’m kind of, I feel like this is bottom of the barrel. So I apologize, but it’s
Jared: still time to, to, to scrape the internet again.
Spencer: I do, um, I need to do that here real quick. So, uh, having said that with that exciting buildup, um, the, the weird niche site is, is it Friday yet. net. net, not even the. com. So is it Friday yet. net and. You go to it, it just tells you, Nope, it’s not Friday. And when it is Friday, it probably says, yep. I don’t know.
I’m just guessing. It’s a lot like that Christmas one. It is exactly like the Christmas one, you know, is it Christmas yet? We did it. That’s why I feel like, okay, well, uh, You know, uh, it’s not super exciting, but it’s kind of a fun website.
Jared: I’m not sure if you’re aware of this, but we are fast approaching within the next month of our one year anniversary of doing these news episodes.
Is that
Spencer: right? Wow.
Jared: I feel like everyone gets a week off here or there, you know, you’re allowed to have a bad week.
Spencer: You know, I’ll let everyone be the judge, right? Is this bad? Well,
Jared: having seen this, I’ll submit the first vote. Yeah, kind of a, yeah, not a great one. A little bit
Spencer: of a, you’re staring at a white screen with the word nope on it.
You don’t love it, huh? Now, if this, if
Jared: we hadn’t had the Christmas one already, I’d have a different opinion, you know, but I can’t argue with you on this.
Spencer: And, uh, so I will share the stats, um, just so I can bury myself even further of how terrible a share this is. Um, but according to AA traffic, they get like no traffic, right?
They get 218, uh, searches a month. Um, and I guess I didn’t even look at what the keywords were, but let’s see. It’s probably, is it Friday yet? There you go. They’re number one keyword. Uh, when is it, who searches? When is it Friday? Oh, come on. And is this real? How,
Jared: who, how could they not rank number one for, is it Friday yet?
Who ranks ahead of them?
Spencer: That’s a good question. Let’s find out. Is it Friday yet? Um, well, they, they ranked number one. Well, here, I’ll share this screen. There’s, there’s images. So maybe that’s why there’s images above them, but they’re, but they’re the,
Jared: they’re the number one result that they can actually secure.
Spencer: Yeah, exactly. I do
Jared: like that it says almost. Um, and again, for those of you listening, I know it’s Friday that we released this, but we don’t record it on
Spencer: a Friday, so. That’s right. Yep. And then there is a isitfriday. org. I didn’t visit that one. Copycat. Copycat
Jared: for sure.
Spencer: Well, hey, who copied who here? Well, yeah, exactly.
Who’s first? Well, that’s why I’m, I kind of chuckle like the. com goes to a dead website. Like it doesn’t work. So I don’t know who bought the. com and, you know, never did anything with it, but
Jared: we don’t have time to do it here in the podcast, but someone go look up in archive. org if the. net or the. org actually came out first, it’d be curious.
Yeah, we think. net. Came out first and then the dot org he just showed that’s ranking below them stole it But it could be the other way around which happens a lot. It definitely could be you know
Spencer: Uh, and then just while I was searching this um I thought it was funny that A YouTube result showed up in the SERPs for, is it right?
I think I was looking, I was looking up something about this, like who started it or something, and this YouTube video shows up and I’m like, who makes a YouTube video about a website? It’s a one minute long website. And it’s only been viewed 41 times total, uh, since it was uploaded a year ago. It’s not a good video, right?
It’s a static y, grainy video. Um, somebody not from the U. S. with broken English. Basically, they walk through the website and they say, Here’s what the website does. And then they say, I don’t know why it exists, but here it is. I just think that’s hilarious that somebody created a, uh, an entire video about this website.
So it would have been
Jared: really funny if this video had, you know, 10, 000 views,
Spencer: right? Um, so anyways, this is one of the deep cuts, um on youtube Uh, so I think i’m going to just pass the torch to you jared. Can you um, save the day here? Well, unfortunately,
Jared: yeah, the the problem on this one is that um, your website would be Better if I was here to save the day, but I’m not all that proud of my niche, uh, my, uh, my weird niche this, this, this, uh, this week.
Now here’s a saving grace on it is I feel a lot better about mine after seeing yours. So yeah,
Spencer: yeah, no, I agree. There’s a lot more to look at on your website, even though it is only a one page website, right? One page.
Jared: That’s one of the drawbacks that we’re about to look at a one page website. So if you’re, uh, If you’re looking for some really robust, well built out weird niche, which we’ve had those in the past, this is not it.
I think last week I brought one that had 65, 000 pages. This is not it. The website is TheOfficeStareMachine. com, uh, a, a hearken back to The Office, a very popular TV show that we all, well, we probably all didn’t, but certainly I and all my friends loved. Oh, yeah. Love it. Absolutely, you know, championed the awkward, uh, TV show experience.
And so The Office Stare Machine is someone, some poor sucker, apparently, Joe Sabia. He’s even hyperlinked to him. We should follow that down the road. Spent 1. 5 years finding every single stare and worked with Aaron Rasmussen, I also don’t know who he is, to manually code each stare into over 800 different emotions in a complexly architect system.
That’s impressive. So it takes the 1300 cultural references made in the office and places them in an interactive time machine. You type in basically what emotion you want, worried, happy, confused, surprised, and they just start stringing together clips from the office for you where they make those. Stairs.
There’s over, I guess there’s 706 stairs, and if you watch all of them, there’s a surprise video
Spencer: that awaits you. Did you get to see that surprise video yet, Jared? What do you, what do you think, Spencer? I’m gonna say no.
Jared: No, I didn’t, didn’t make it past him. There’s some good ones. I like the worried one.
Worried’s my favorite. Hit worried and let’s see. I think we can do it without the audio
Spencer: there. So I type in worried, hit go,
and that was it. Oh no, it just keeps going. Oh, oh, it shows all the worried ones. All the worried! Oh, wow.
And I don’t know if the sound’s coming through or not, but they’re all pretty much silent. I think it
Jared: is coming through. Yeah, I think
Spencer: it is coming through. Hey, why not? We’ll keep the sound in there. Yeah,
Jared: I like, um, what’s the other one? Defeated. If you click on the Defeated, it’s in red there below the video.
That’s a good one. No, no, no, keep going up. Uh, there, yeah, there you go, right there. Uh
Spencer: Defeated. I
Jared: thought those were pretty good too. Damn it, Jim!
Spencer: Who has time to go through all, all the office and put all these clips together? I mean, it’s We might watch all 706 right here on the podcast. I was going to say
Jared: for office, it feels like something where if you’re an office fan, you could sit there and kind of watch it and kind of relive it and kind of remember a lot of them.
And if you’re not an office fan, this is probably bizarre as ever. Uh, we’ll, we’ll talk some stats about the website. Cause I, I, I would like to get some thoughts from you on it. Um, it is a DR 30, so much better than your website. Um, although it’s not getting, uh, uh, your website ranked for more keywords.
This 38 key
Spencer: really. That’s it. Oh, wow.
Jared: You would think it’d pick up more keywords. Don’t you
Spencer: think? You would think, um, maybe nobody, nobody’s searching for the office there. Yeah.
Jared: Yeah. There’s, there’s some ways to do this. Uh, we could talk about that. I think it could actually get a decent amount of traffic.
Cause the, the office is a cult, a cult classic. It’s an icon. Right. And so it’s, it’s, it’s interesting that there, in many ways. They have a lot going for them, but 38 keywords and 200 or something search traffic from Ahrefs is just not doing it, probably down to the fact that they only have one page. This is a classic one page website and, um, uh, something I thought was interesting though, Spencer, if you look in the upper right of the, uh, of the webpage, it has 49, 000 likes on Facebook.
Spencer: I see that. Ooh, Facebook. Right? And dovetailing off
Jared: of, uh, what you were talking about. The type of content you’re posting. It’s, I don’t know, some interesting things here. Maybe enlighten us on what you think this could do better for, there a donkey in there? Uh, what this could do better for, uh, for, for Facebook to get more traffic to the site.
Spencer: Yeah, no, I agree. And apparently I just liked the page. So, um, I, I’m going to have that following me around now. Um, yeah, you didn’t actually go to it, did you? I did. No, I didn’t. I just clicked the button. I thought it was going to open Facebook, but it didn’t. Um. They could be sharing all kinds of, uh, memes, right?
On, I think I need to have pause on the video. I can’t concentrate. Oh,
Jared: 31 stairs. You got a long ways to go. If you think you’re going to clock 706 on the podcast, you might not make it. Oh, it gives
Spencer: me the counter. I didn’t even notice that we’re at 31 out of 706. But yeah, they, they could be sharing all kinds of memes on Facebook, um, quizzes, you know, about the office, of course, still shots, you know, from these videos.
Uh, and of course, the end goal is that they would have to take all of these memes or quizzes and put them on their website, you know, the individual, uh, individual pages or articles. So that they could share it on Facebook, so people have to click the link to take the quiz, or look at the meme, or It’s surely Anyways, there are different ways you can do it, but they can get traffic.
Jared: of these, uh, so on the screen, you clicked on Defeated, right? And that was a tag of sorts, but that could just as easily be a page and could rank for defeated off, you know, the office defeated expressions and I don’t know the search terms. I didn’t do all that, but we, we see on this weird niche segment that at this point I feel like we can safely say there’s search volume around all these various terms that are happening that they have on this page, but haven’t done a good job building it out.
Spencer: Yeah, exactly. I mean, this kind of feels like just a, they’re obviously huge fans. They wanted to, they thought it’d be funny and it is to put together all these stairs, right, and categorize them, but that’s, they did it once. And they, you know, moved on with their lives is what it feels like. They’re not really trying to grow it into something, but they probably could, um, would it be huge?
Probably not, but it might be a fun website. I was
Jared: trying to go and look into who Joe Sabia was, but I, uh, apologize if I opened it and got a lot of, uh, Yeah, so it’s clearly two guys that are happy to link to their, their websites there on the homepage, but, uh, they could do more, but I think you’re right.
Like, I just think it was a passion project that got put up there, but 50, 000 ish likes on Facebook. I mean, if the, if you need anything to kind of show you that there’s interest that that’s, that’s a good
Spencer: metric. Yeah, exactly. So definitely has the potential to like do well. On Facebook, social media, um, if they wanted to grow the traffic or they could just leave it the way it is.
And, uh, it’s kind of fun to check out, you know, share it with any of your huge office fans, have them go check out this website, uh, anyways, it’s, it’s fun, you know, you’ve got intrigued, you know, you’ve got. Anyways,
Jared: I Think I’ve intrigued you Spencer by this this website. Yeah,
Spencer: it’s a good good little website.
Jared: Well, we ended on a good we ended on a good what’s their YouTube channel, by the way Is that all off the YouTube
Spencer: channel? It is, um, so here we go. The Office Stare Machine only has 436 subscribers. Oh dear. Um No public content.
Jared: That must all be unlisted or
Spencer: Oh, you can’t just look at all their videos. No, it’s all
Jared: unlisted or, uh, what, private?
Spencer: Yeah, I guess so. I mean, you can see this one video I clicked on, it’s only been viewed 134 times, it was posted 9 years ago, so not an incredibly successful website or video. Yeah,
Jared: it’s unlisted, and it’s only 3 seconds, and so, again, they could actually string together all those clips, unless there’s a copyright violation that I’m not aware of, you know, which you know all about.
Maybe that’s a copyright problem. It could be. Sorry, I couldn’t help it. Um, and, uh, Low blow. Apologies. That’s alright. I’ve moved on. There are only 3 second clips, so I can see why I only got 436 views. Like, it’s only a 3 second video.
Spencer: Yeah, yeah, exactly. So, and you have to click on the right, you know, emotion and click on the staring machine.
So I, you know, Jared, this is a good find. This is way better than mine. This is way better than mine. So, um, thanks for bringing it home, keeping the viewers around, keeping them happy. I think, I think you did indeed save the day. So, okay. Well, that one
Jared: was from, I’ll give credit where credit’s due. Caitlin. My business partner, somehow she found it.
And she’s like, this is probably one you’d want to feature. And I was
Spencer: like, Oh, good. That is a good fit. It’s right into the weird, weird niche segment for sure. But I think that does it. We’ll wrap it up here. Thank you everybody so much for listening in to the niche pursuits podcast. We’re covering, you know, the latest Google news and publishing news.
Um, Our side hustles and the weird niche sites. We appreciate y’all sticking around. It’s not Friday for us, but maybe it’s Friday for you. Uh, so thank you again for listening in and if
Jared: you want to go check Spencer’s weird niche site to confirm whether today is Friday or not. Have a good weekend, everyone.
Thank you. Thanks for joining us today on the podcast Just a final reminder that it was brought to you by search intelligence And if you’re looking for link building pr campaigns for your website Just head over to search dash intelligence. co. uk and get in touch with them today. Cheers.
Spencer: Hey everyone.
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Thanks again for listening.